Engineering and Technology Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2622-9374

Published: 26 May 2023
Recommendation System for Boarding House Selection using Simple Additive Weighting Method
Yogi Maulana Krisna, Adhi Kusnadi, Fenina Adline Twince Tobing
Universitas Multimedia Nusantara

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Pages: 50-55
Keywords: Recommendation System, Boarding Houses, Simple Additive Weighting
The selection of boarding houses for work or study often leaves potential residents uncertain about choosing the right boarding house to meet their daily personal needs. Due to the varying prices and facilities offered by each boarding house, potential residents need to consider the prices and various facilities provided by each boarding house. Therefore, a recommendation system is needed to assist potential residents in deciding on the right boarding house according to their daily needs. This system is created using the Simple Additive Weighting method, which can help potential residents in decision-making through ranking obtained by multiplying the matrix of each criteria weight with the available alternative values. The development of this recommendation system uses MYSQL database, HTML, PHP, and JavaScript programming. The testing of the recommendation system using a Likert scale resulted in an average total interpretation score of 76.3%, indicating that users have a positive response to this recommendation system.
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