Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 21 March 2018
Bank Employees’ Perceptions of the Quality of Training in the Greek Banking Sector: Learning Barriers and Incentives
Vasiliki Brinia, Apostolia Chatzicharalampous
Athens University of Economics & Business (Greece), Hellenic Open University (Greece)

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the perceptions of banking employees of the Greek banking sector on the training provided to them by emphasizing on the learning barriers and the incentives in learning. Quantitative research through a survey revealed that motives that encourage bank employees to participate in in-house training programs mainly concern their professional development. The main barrier encountered is the inadequate correlation of the content of the programs with the needs and experiences of the trainees. The findings of the present study reveal weaknesses and opportunities and can, therefore, contribute to the goal of improving employees’ training in the banking sector worldwide.
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