Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 26 June 2020
Corporate Financing and Value of Quoted Consumer Goods Companies in Nigeria
Zachariah Peter, Peter Teru, Chukwuma Collins Ugwu
Federal University Wukari (Nigeria), Adamawa State University Mubi (Nigeria)

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Pages: 934-940
Keywords: Corporate Financing, Value, Debt, Equity, Earnings
Financial management aims at maximizing shareholders’ wealth and this requires financial decision makers balance capital funding between investments in projects that increase the firm’s long term profitability and sustainability (value). Thus, the need for examination of the relationship between corporate financing and value of quoted consumer goods companies in Nigeria. Data for the study were collected from annual reports and accounts of the sampled companies for ten years (2009 – 2018). Data collected were analyzed using generalized least square (GLS), interpretations were made using ordinary least square in line with the results of Hausman specication test and lagrange multiplier test of random effect. The study reveals that long term debt improves firm value significantly while short term debt has a negative significant effect on value of the selected companies. In addition, paid-up share capital and share premium as equity capital reduce values of the companies as retained earning has a positive significant effect. The findings imply that corporate financing variables have mixed effects on firm value. The study recommends that corporate financial decision makers should employ more of long term debt and retained earnings in financing mix since they impact positively on value of companies.
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