Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 20 June 2022
Corruption and Demography during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Prima Naomi, Iqbal Akbar, Faris Budiman Annas
Universitas Paramadina, Indonesia

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Pages: 201-213
Keywords: Corruption, Demography, COVID-19, Indonesia
COVID-19 pandemic dramatically changed the face of the world, including Indonesia. With more economic relief packages injected into public spending, corruption opportunities have risen, especially under the weakening corruption monitoring system. This article presents significant findings from the survey on the practice of corruption during the pandemic that can paint an understanding of corruption in Indonesia. Two survey rounds were conducted with respondents around Indonesia starting mid-to-end 2020, gathering 2,093 responses. The ordinary least-square (OLS) regression unveils that people who live in rural areas or spend less than the common people tend to commit or be involved in the practice of corruption. People who live in the rural areas or receive less income tend to perform corruption to close the income gap. It is also found that people with higher education levels tend to perform corruption. Higher corruption rents and broad opportunities for power abuse promote corruption in a well-educated society.
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