Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 22 February 2023
Determinants Audit Report Delay and Its Effects on Investor Reaction in Public Companies in Indonesia
Krishna Kamil, Tri Widyastuti, Nurmala Ahmar, Zulkifli
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia (Indonesia), Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya (Indonesia), Universitas Pancasila (Indonesia)

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Pages: 124-139
Keywords: Audit Reporting Delay, Legal Compliance Pressure, Restatement, Company Size, Number of Subsidiaries, Audit Firm Size, Auditor Opinion, Investor Reaction
The audit report delay cause problems of performance appraisal for all audited companies following the investors’ response negatively to the audited report. The consequences of these report delay make distrust of stakeholders, so the delay of audited report need to be minimized in order for all companies to be trusted in financial statement reports. The aim of this research is to explore the determinants of audit reporting delay in Indonesian stock exchange, especially on development boards. The exploration is then continued by examining the effects of audit report delay in order to respond to investors' negative impressions. Method of research used in this research is the exposure of facts on testing the application of GCG, financial performance. The factors used in this research were audit report delay and auditor’s opinion, investor response proxy by share price. The outcome of the research indicates that GCG and legal compliance pressures have a negative and significant effect on audit reporting delay, while financial performance has a positive and significant impact on audit reporting delay, moderating factors such as legal compliance pressures and KAP size has no effect on audit reporting delay. Audit reporting delay and independent auditor reports affect investor response, while legal compliance pressure and financial performance through audit reporting delay affects investor response.
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