Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 08 July 2019
E-Tourism Adoption of the Travel Agencies in Cebu City, Philippines
Vicente S. Maravilla Jr, Cecil S. Gantalao
University of San Carlos, Cebu City Philippines

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Pages: 555-568
Keywords: eTourism, Technology Acceptance Model, Information Communication Technology
Information Communication Technology (ICT) plays an active role in the tourism industry. The application and integration of ICT are essential for the success of a tourism enterprise. ICT assists the individual in an enterprise to access information on the World Wide Web in a single click which changes the traditional brick and mortar travel agency operations. Even with the emergence of Technology 50 years ago, Small Medium Enterprises are reluctant to operate and adopt Technology Applications for Technological and Non-Technological Reasons. The study used an adapted research instrument from Davis (1989) and Turban et al. (2008). Principal respondents are the accredited travel agencies in Cebu City as of 2017. Using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) of Davis (1989), respondents perceived that ICT is useful regarding accomplishing the task quickly, increase productivity and effectiveness and it is easy to use regarding operating and interacting ICT. Respondents would probably use the technology in the workplace for sales and marketing and to recommend the technology to others for Business Operations. However, there is no significant relationship on the ease of use (PEOU) and usefulness to the in the Intention to use. This means that the respondents may or may not adopt ICT because of Non Technological and Technological Reasons.
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