Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 24 November 2022
Ethnicity, Language, and Work Segregation: A Cohesive and Profitability Perspective
Dian Riskarini, Yuli Ardianto
Universitas Pancasila, Indonesia

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Pages: 223-237
Keywords: Ethnicity, Language, Work Segregation, Cohesiveness and Profitability Perspective
This research aims to obtain the benefit of the organization in the work place, the employee cohesiveness and positive perspectives could be focus on some various factors such as; cultural differences, (ethnicity), language differences and injustice over the separation of one group from other in the workplace (exclusion). The purpose of the research that carried out qualitatively. The approach in this research is descriptive method by using this descriptive method is to describe whether cultural differences (Ethnicity), differences in language (Language) and different treatment of employees in the work environment (Workplace Segregation) have an effect on good or bad employee cohesiveness. (A Cohesive) in carrying out its main duties and inherent functions and how it affects the employee's perspective on his ability to bring benefits to himself and his organization (Profitability Perspective). Based on the research model framework the researcher concludes 16 research hypotheses that Ethnicity, language, work segregation has positive effects toward employee’s cohesiveness and profitability perspectives. But Gender can have positive and negative effects toward Interpersonal Attractive.
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