Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 05 February 2021
Investment Decisions: The Results of Knowledge, Income, and Self-Control
Siska Atmaningrum, Dwi Sunu Kanto, Zainul Kisman
Trilogi University, Indonesia

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Pages: 100-112
Keywords: Financial Attitudes, Financial Behavior, Financial Knowledge, Income, Investment Decisions, Self-Control
Investment is an economic activity that can be a way for a person to expand or maintain his wealth. However, in investing, the public must be more careful in making decisions so that they are not trapped by fake investments. In investing, there are several factors that influence the decision to invest, namely Financial Knowledge, Income, Self-Control, Financial Behavior, and Financial Attitude towards Investment Decisions. This study aims to examine the influence of the variables of Financial Knowledge, Income, and Self-Control on Investing Decisions mediated by Financial Behavior and Financial Attitudes. This study uses Financial Knowledge, Income, and Self-Control as independent variables, then Investment Decisions as the dependent variable, then Financial Behavior, and Financial Attitudes as intervening variables. The results of this study indicate that financial knowledge has an effect on financial behavior. Financial Knowledge affects Financial Attitudes. Financial knowledge influences investment decisions. Income has an effect on Financial Behavior. Income has an effect on Financial Attitudes. Income does not affect the Investment Decision. Self-control affects financial behavior. Self-Control affects Financial Attitudes. Self-Control has no effect on Investment Decisions. Financial Behavior has no effect on Investment Decisions. Financial Attitudes do not affect the Investment Decision.
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