Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 20 May 2022
Perceived Ease of Utilization, Usefulness, Security, and Trust in Mobile Banking
Sherlen Tertia, Anny Nurbasari
Maranatha Christian University, Indonesia

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Pages: 76-82
Keywords: Effortless, Mobile Banking, Practicality, Protection, Trust
Mobile banking is an internet-based application of banks to serve their customers. With this application, the customers can check their balance on their banking account and transact online with the other parties. Therefore, growing trust in mobile banking becomes essential. Moreover, to reach it, banks need to focus on the determinants. According to previous studies, at least three factors are available: perceived ease of utilization, usefulness, and security. By answering this challenging topic, this study aims to test these determinants of trust statistically. After employing the 106 respondents in Bandung using the mobile banking application as the sample taken by the snowball sampling technique and examining three hypotheses by structural equation model based on partial least square, this research concludes a positive sign exists in these causal associations.
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