Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 28 December 2020
Systems, Instruments and Regulatory Policies of American and European Capitalism
Michele Sabatino
Università degli Studi Kore di Enna, Italy

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Pages: 1730-1743
Keywords: Capitalism, Shadow Banking, Deregulation, Supervision
The beginning of the 21st century, the phenomenon of globalization, the IT revolution and the financialization of the economy have also changed the terms of the comparison among capitalist countries. At global level, the rapid expansion of the financial sector was also encouraged by an increase in innovative financial products. Regulators and supervisors have not been able to adequately identify and address the growing risks in the financial system. The beginning of the financial crisis has brought to light such weaknesses. And it is from this negative experience that the major world authorities have intervened, trying to set up plans and regulations to protect the financial system and consumers. The analysis of the framework that comes with the financial crisis of 2007-2013 is thus a starting point for this work to understand the new features of world capitalism. American and European capitalist systems seem to diverge above all on the policies and instruments for regulating the financial system. The aim of the work is to show the differences between the US and European financial and banking regulation. The former is geared towards reviving deregulation and financial innovation while the latter is more geared towards redesigning a more accentuated regulatory model with a governance of the economy that always sees the presence of a mixed welfare and market system.
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