Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 12 July 2021
The Combined Effects of Managerial and Operational Performance of Various Fundamental Components on Stock Selection
Shamis Said Moh’d, Ravindran Ramasamy, Mohd Yaziz Mohd, Mohamed Hafidh Khalfan
Universiti Tun Abdulrazak (Malaysia), Abdulrahman Al-Sumait University (Tanzania)

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Pages: 11-33
Keywords: Fundamental Components, Managerial Performance, Operational Performance, Stock Selection, Top-down Approach
This study aims at quantifying fundamental components such as the country economy, stock market development, economic sectors, and company’s performance computed by Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) built-in MATLAB program and combined using a top-down approach. It was conducted in the East African region specifically Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and Rwanda from 2015 to 2018. A secondary data extracted from the listed company’s websites, capital market authorities of each country, and World Bank. The study found that the combined performance of various components has a great impact on screening the stocks to be used for portfolio construction. It gives a signal to the authorities of capital markets, investors, policymakers, and other regulatory bodies to take immediate measures on designing policies and best practices. Further recommendation to the capital market authorities within the region is to ensure the growth of managerial and operational performance of stock exchanges. Also, regulatory bodies, policymakers, and higher-level administration of each country within the region to take responsibility to uplift the country's economy as well as economic sectors growth. The board of directors and management of listed companies should formulate strategies to improve both managerial and operational performance.
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