Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 13 March 2020
The Diaspora and the Process of Economic Development in Cameroon
Saidou Baba Oumar, Urie Eléazar Jumbo, Salihu Zummo Hayatudeen
University of Buea (Cameroon), University of Dschang (Cameroon), Modibbo Adama University of Technology (Nigeria)

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Pages: 344-362
Keywords: Community, Development, Employment, Migration, Poverty, Remittance
The greener pasture syndrome erupts on the African continent in 1980s, two decades after attainment of independence for most former colonies from the colonial powers. Today in 2020, some forty years after, the syndrome continues to register more disciples from the continent due to economic hardships that threaten a greater portion of her population. Consequently, the movement of people towards the promise land from poor to rich countries across the world amplifies to the extent that some industrialised countries find themselves invaded by emigrants of all types. In Cameroon for example, this type of migration concerns the intellectuals who are not employed or those who are underemployed in the country. Cameroonians of this category often cross the national boundaries to Europe, Canada, United States [US] and as of 1990 South Africa [SA] to pick up jobs that can fetch them better salary package than what is offered at home. This paper employs the simple descriptive method of data analysis to capture the objectives of the inquiry using simple percentages, tables and diagrams to interpret the data. Besides, the paper generates its data from personal observations and structured interviews with community members and from secondary sources. And generally on arrival to destination, the Diaspora people team up in form of social ethnic groups or village associations to reflect on the problems besetting their relations and give a helping hand towards alleviating the living conditions of their people back home. Results of the paper reveal that these Diaspora alliances have rendered immense services to their respective communities as regards poverty mitigation in families, construction of private houses, and provision of social infrastructures such as first aid centres, school equipments and water supply points, on one hand. On the other hand, they have also inflicted severe harms to their communities back home. Thus, the paper recommends that the Government of Cameroon [GoC] recognises and incorporates the Diaspora potentials into the country’s development strategies so as to accelerate its participation to the economic development equation and process of the economy.
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