Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 04 March 2021
The Effect of Perceived Value and Service Quality on Depositor Loyalty
Audi Putri Kamajaya, Agus Aribowo
Maranatha Christian University Bandung, Indonesia

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Pages: 183-192
Keywords: Commercial Bank, Depositor Loyalty, Perceived Value, Service Quality
For a bank, the depositors are the primary assets. Therefore, the bank should maintain a good relationship with them to be loyal to all efforts. If they are faithful, they will always keep putting their money in the bank. Therefore, the bank can execute the intermediate function properly. This study intends to examine the effect of perceived value and service quality on depositor loyalty. Consequently, the depositors of commercial bank H at branch F in Bandung become the population and the samples. This study also uses the Slovin formula, simple random sampling, and survey to calculate the samples, grab them, and accumulate the primary data. Moreover, the gathered data get analyzed by the structural equation model (SEM) based on variance. To sum up, this study proves that the perceived value and service quality positively affect depositor loyalty after examining the proposed hypotheses. To increase depositors to be loyal, the bank has to focus on elevating their perceived value and giving them superior service.
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