Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 22 April 2020
The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Leadership in Business Management of Greek Pharmaceutical Companies
Kasapi Z, Mihiotis A
Hellenic Open University, Greece

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Pages: 556-568
Keywords: Emotional Intelligence (EI), Pharmaceutical Companies, Leadership Effectiveness, Decision Making Process
This research purpose has to do with a theoretical communication model, having as main participants of the research,supervisors, middle and senior managers, working for Greek pharmaceutical companies to derive & comment the following data: The recognition and administration of Emotional Intelligence that incorporates self-awareness, self-management, social management and social awareness among the participants, The recognition and administration of Emotional Intelligence traits i.e. self-awareness, self-management, social management and social awareness among the participants that express communication abilities & leadership effectiveness to a large extent among genders, males and females, The recognition and administration of Emotional Intelligence traits that express communication abilities & leadership effectiveness to a large extent among ages’ groups, The recognition and administration of Emotional Intelligence traits that express communication abilities & leadership effectiveness to a large extent among ages’ groups. In practice, the aim of this research will lead to the development of the above mentioned theoretical communication model which incorporates the existence & use of all Emotional Intelligence traits in the pharmaceutical sector as valuable contributors in leadership effectiveness, decision making processes. Based on the abovementioned reasons, a specific questionnaire was formulated and distributed to 250 specialized pharmaceutical professionals after having been adapted accordingly always based on existing data of Pharmaceutical Market in Greece; in order to guide us to relevant conclusions about importance of Emotional Intelligence for the Greek pharmaceutical companies. Another aspect of the answers for that set of questions addressed to senior or middle level managers might lead at the same time to the assessment of emotional intelligence value in the context of communication with other members of the team & also subordinates. Therefore, we believe that this specific study will be an additional tool available for pharmaceutical companies’ executives since it focuses on the usefulness and application of Emotional Intelligence incorporated in the communication model of leadership effectiveness, decision making processes that are associated with profitability and generally professional progress.
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