Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 23 February 2021
Transformational Leadership and Organizational Success: Evidence from Tertiary Institutions
Okoli Ifeanyi E. Nuel, Nnabuife Ezimma K., Adani Nnenne Ifechi, Ugbo Ifeoma Emmanuella
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria

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Pages: 170-182
Keywords:Transformational Leadership, Idealized Influence, Inspirational Motivation, Intellectual Stimulation, Individualized Consideration, Organizational Success
This study examined the extent to which transformational leadership dimensions affect organizational success in tertiary institutions in Anambra State Southeast Nigeria. A cross-sectional research design was employed for this study. A total of 325 staff members from each university were surveyed in this study and the total number of employees was increased to (N) 650. However, 154 usable copies of the questionnaires were finally collected and are used in the analysis of data. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was tested for reliability by using Cronbach alpha to determine the internal consistency of the items. The study used expert judgment method to determine content validity. Pearson’s product moment correlation techniques were used to analyze the data at 5% level of significance. The results showed that transformational leadership dimensions and organizational success in the selected tertiary institutions had a strong positive and significant correlation. The study concluded that leadership is a critical success factor that can bring about changes in employees and universities as a whole. The study recommended that management at all levels in the universities should provide proper self-development plan and build teamwork to ensure continued optimism and enthusiasms within their employees.
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