Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 13 January 2021
Urban Happiness from Mobility in Neighborhoods and Downtown: The Case of the Metropolitan Area of Aburra Valley
Ángel Emilio Muñoz Cardona, Lorena Martínez Soto, Mauricio Manrique Miranda
Superior School Public Administration of Antioquia, Metropolitan Autonomous University of Mexico, University of Antioquia

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Pages: 1-11
Keywords: Social Entrepreneurship, City of Learning, Urban Mobility, Citizen Responsibility, Urban Happiness
The entrepreneurship on mobility leading to an improved quality of life should be an initiative of young people living in the different neighborhoods of a city. They can even design exemplary models of territorial ordering for responsible mobility. Young people with some degree of university education are more sensitive to the value of designing more humane cities. Hence, all social transformation in citizen co-responsibility has its origin in feelings of empathy, that is, in the search for urban happiness for the achievement of a dignified human life. The research question is how to motivate youth social entrepreneurship in city neighborhoods for mobility and strengthening of citizen culture. The research methodology was based on 710 surveys on Quality of Life and Urban Mobility in the Aburra Valley applied to young university students in their last semester and eight interviews with youth organizations and municipal secretariats of citizenship, and mobility. The study conclusion is that if more than 90% of daily visitors to the city downtown live in the surrounding neighborhoods, then the strengthening of civic culture must begin in those neighborhoods. If the suburban area is organized, the downtown will be organized.
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