Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 04 March 2019
Challenges Affecting Sustainability of National Sanitation Day (NSD) Programme in Ghana
Ibrahim Basiru, Vincent Ekow Arkorful, Helen Agbornso Ashu, Sadia Lukman
University of Science and Technology of China

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The National Sanitation Day (NSD) programme was initiated by the Ghanaian government in 2014 through the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development as a way of addressing the poor environmental conditions in Ghana. This was as a result of a cholera outbreak which took over 200 lives in the same year. Although well intended, the programme faces several sustainability challenges. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the main challenges facing the NSD programme. The paper bases on newspapers and key informant information and identifies four shortcomings which undermine the initiative’s effectiveness, namely, lack of adequate logistical services, politicisation, insufficient enforcement of by-laws and poor publicity. Against the backdrop of these findings, suggestions are made on the trajectory of sustainability.
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