Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 25 August 2024
Correlation between Environmental Factors, Knowledge, and Behavior towards Pulmonary Tuberculosis Incidents
I Nyoman Gede Suyasa, IGAA Dharmawati, I Nyoman Jirna, I Nyoman Purna, Cokorda Dewi Widhya Hana Sundari, I Wayan Sudiadnyana, Nyoman Mastra
Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar, Indonesia

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Pages: 1-9
Keywords: Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Knowledge, Behavior, Correlation, Factors
Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) still becomes a concern to prevent. Several factors play a role in the incidents of pulmonary TB such as external factors i.e. environmental conditions and internal factors of the individual such as knowledge and behavior. The high fact of pulmonary TB in Indonesia has become a challenge to analyze the causing factors. This research investigated the correlation of factors of environment, knowledge, and behavior towards pulmonary tuberculosis in Badung Regency, Indonesia. This research utilized a case-control study design with a population of TB-case patients in 13 Public Health Centers in Badung Regency with a sample of 146 respondents. The environmental parameters are room temperature, humidity, lighting, residential density, and building materials. The data collection used a lux meter, hygrometer, room thermometer, and questionnaire. Chi-square test was used to examine the data. The results reveal that the temperature did not meet the requirements of 97.3%, humidity did not meet the requirements of 68.7%, lighting did not meet the requirements of 60.6%, and residential density did not meet the requirements of 68.1%. Meanwhile, the building materials of walls meet the requirements of as many as 50.7%. The test obtained a significance of knowledge and behavior both in 0.001. In conclusion, there is a correlation between room temperature, humidity, lighting, residential density, knowledge, and behavior with the incidence of pulmonary TB and an absence of correlation between building materials with the case of pulmonary TB.
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