Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 06 June 2019
Correlation of Sonographic Appearance of Chronic Liver Disease with Serological Findings of Hepatitis B and C in Multan City
Babar Javaid, Syed Amir Gillani, Mustafa Ali Siddiqui, Ikram Akhtar, Sana Ali, Shazia Kausar, Tania Bashir, Hakeemullah Ghouri
Fatima Ultrasound Centre, Pakistan

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Pages: 202-213
Keywords: Chronic Liver Disease, Hepatitis
Liver cirrhosis is the irrecoverable disease of the liver, finally it causes necrosis of liver cells, as a result, change normal cells into an abnormal knot as well as structural abnormalities occur. It caused by many of reason, but here we discussed only by the hepatitis b virus and hepatitis b virus. The hazard of liver cirrhosis increased day by day. Recently liver cirrhosis prevalence of Pakistan was 13.5%. Sonography can easily diagnose the liver cirrhosis caused by hepatitis b and c virus. Objective: The object of this study to examine the analyses of ultra-sonographic diagnosis of liver cirrhosis in patients with chronic viral hepatitis B and C. Method: the cross-sectional study was conducted at Fatima ultrasound center. All age group patients with hepatitis B and C virus liver cirrhosis was included. Scanner GE Logic 5 and 7 Pro, DP-20 used for this study to examine the collaboration of liver cirrhosis. The liver cirrhosis associated hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus were analyzed on trans-abdominal by concave prob 2.5- 5MHz. Result: Total 376 patients determine to have hepatitis B and C virus cause liver cirrhosis were incorporate all age patients which a large portion of them was male the absolute level of liver cirrhosis was 46%. Conclusion: We observe that liver cirrhosis associated with hepatitis B and C virus more common in male than female. Rural areas are more effective by liver cirrhosis associated with hepatitis B and C virus.
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