Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 27 September 2021
Does Spending More on Healthcare Yields Higher Life Expectancy? A Case Study on Gulf Cooperation Council Countries
Nouf S. AlSaied, Musaed S. AlAli
Ministry of Health (Kuwait), The Public Institute of Applied Education and Training (Kuwait)

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Pages: 109-113
Keywords: Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Life Expectancy, Healthcare Expenditure (HE), Panel OLS Regression, Healthcare System Efficiency
This study aims to evaluate the nexus between economic factors and life expectancy in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. Using the data of 115 countries for the year 2019, results revealed that only healthcare expenditure (HE) per capita showed statistically significant direct relation with life expectancy while GDP per capita and percentage of country GDP allocated to healthcare sector did not show any statistically significant effect. Based on panel OLS regression model used in this research, results showed that with the amount of money GCC countries spend on their healthcare systems, four out of the six GCC countries had a life expectancy that was lower than the estimated life expectancy by 3.28 years indicating inefficiency in their healthcare systems. The output also indicates that even though economic factors have an effect on life expectancy to a certain point, other factors such as the quality of the healthcare system staff, education, corruption, pollution, and other non-economic factors also affect life expectancy.
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