Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 19 December 2019
Epidemiological Profile of Facial Fractures at the Department of ENT and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Mohammed VI University Hospital Oujda Morocco
Ahlam Bellaouchi, Yasmine El Amrani, Fahd El Ayoubi, Rachid Ghailan, Adil Eabdenbitsen, Noureddine Oulali, Mohamed Bouziane, Abdelkrim Daoudi
University Hospital of Mohammed VI, Oujda Medical School, Morocco

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Pages: 532-536
Keywords: Facial Trauma, Maxillofacial Fractures, Epidemiology
Maxillofacial trauma is defined by the structures located between the capillary line upward and the tip of the chin downward. Our study is retrospective, covering 112 cases of extensive facial fractures over a period of two years from October 2016 to October 2018. Soft tissue lesions are excluded from our study. The goal is to define the epidemiological profile of facial fracture victims in Oujda and to adapt therapeutic modalities to local contexts. The incidence was highest in the 21 to 30 age group (36.6%). There were 7.6 men for a woman. The most common etiologies were in descending order; traffic accidents (60%), assaults (29%), sports accidents (6%). The frequency of these traumas increased in summer, especially in July-August. Mandible and nasal bone were the most affected (48.21% and 21.42%). In 16.96% of cases, it was a polytrauma. Head trauma was associated in 7.14% of cases.
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