Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 14 December 2020
Evaluation of School Health Status, Explanatory Study
Mohamed Osman Elamin Bushara
Umm Al-Qura University

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Pages: 544-549
Keywords: School Health, Evaluation
Background: Schools are one of the best settings-based approach to promote health. Schools remain for many years been recognized as an important settings for health promotion for the community. The study provides description of schools health status in the city, concerning the activities and services components of school health and the deficiencies, accordingly the requested procedures and processes to improve that health situation, assuming that improvement of schools health status will lead the improvement of health status of the overall community. Objectives: The study aims to assess schools health status in Makkah city. Introduction: The study conducted to evaluate schools health status and services provided in Makkah city, 20 schools selected randomly for this purpose.
Methodology: Descriptive study had been implemented, simple random sampling used, (20) schools selected for the evaluation of the six components of school health services and activities, data collected through checklist and interviews. Results: The study clarified that most schools in Makkah have a health supervisor, health supervision plan and a committee, but only 32% of schools have healthy foods provided. Conclusion: The study concluded that, health supervision was active, but there were weaknesses in the food services, unhealthy foods and drinks were available in schools. Recommendations: The study recommends for motivating schools health supervisors for the extra efforts they are providing beside their teaching responsibilities, in addition to that, periodic health education sessions for students is requested to raise their awareness on different health risks especially in school environment.
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