Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 23 July 2019
High Emotionality and Pulsional Substrate: The Transgenerational Aspect in Schizophrenia
Ana Miruna Dragoi, Ilinca Vlaicu, Amelia Damiana Trifu
Clinical Hospital for Psychiatry “Alex. Obregia” (Romania), University of Bucharest (Romania), “Tudor Vianu” National College of Computer Science (Romania)

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Pages: 264-274
Keywords: Paranoid Schizophrenia, Fantasy Sexual Abuse, High Emotionality, Masochistic Feelings, Negative Phenomenology
Motivation behind choosing the subject: The present case is an attempt to highlight the affective dimension of a paranoid schizophrenia, ie, the presentation of a patient with a delusion of relationship as a central symptom, as well as the loss of the boundaries of the Ego, but in which the emotional nature of the experiences calls into question the differential diagnosis with affective schizophrenia. Objective: We wish to present the case from a psychiatric perspective, clinical psychology, as well as psychodynamic, this way trying to highlight one’s functioning through the main defenses mechanisms used. Hypothesis: Paranoid schizophrenia can overlap high emotionality, lability, the richness of the affective life being supported by the nature of the delusional idea. Results: The patient presents psychotic functioning, in which the oedipus complex, the phantasy sexual abuse, the similarity, the narcissistic binding of the self, and the mother support the delusional idea. One can identify the loss of the boundaries of the Ego, the delusional idea of relationship, pursuit, and persecution, negative phenomenology, matched by masochistic feelings and the need to be rejected, in direct harmony with the incapacity of self-care. Conclusions: The social functioning of the patient is affected by the experience of being driven away, exhibiting self-isolation behavior, loneliness, dromomania, vagabondage, promiscuous sexual life due to mental deficiency.
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