Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 03 June 2024
Hospital Preparedness of the Gatot Soebroto Army Central Hospital and Indonesia’s Level 2 Army Hospital in Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic
Dian Andriani Ratna Dewi, A Budi Sulistya, Moh. Arif Haryanto, Krisna Murti, Zamroni Zamroni, Lila Irawati Tjahjo Widuri, Zainal Alim, Shohibul Hilmi, Farrasila Nadhira, Ni Made Wiliantari
The Republic of Indonesia Defense University (Indonesia), Indonesia Army Central Hospital Gatot Soebroto (Indonesia), Institute of Science and Health Technology (Indonesia), Sriwijaya Military Command (Indonesia), Sutarto Hospital Yogyakarta (Indonesia), Soepraoen Hospital (Indonesia), Soejono Hospital (Indonesia), Ratna Dewi Principal Clinic (Indonesia)

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Pages: 64-87
Keywords: World Health Organization, Army Central Hospital, World Health Organization, Pandemic, Indonesia Army Hospitals, Covid-19, Hospital Preparedness Checklist
As an archipelagic nation, Indonesia is at risk of natural disasters, including the possibility of emergency infectious diseases. The worldwide health system is under tremendous strain as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, hospitals spearheading services are critical in preparing to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. The Indonesian Army Hospital is the primary subject of this study, which attempts to assess hospital preparedness in facing the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Our study was a cross-sectional and quantitative analysis of the World Health Organization's 12-item rapid checklist of hospitals' preparedness for COVID-19 from January 2020 to December 2022. This checklist formed the basis of this study's preparation assessment. Data was obtained from 15 people who assessed Army Hospitals from Sumatra to Papua provinces. Hospital preparedness is evaluated using the Preparedness Information System. Result: Every three months, hospital participants had to practice completing a hospital preparedness checklist. The hospital encountered a challenge when manually entering data into the checklist. The results of this study showed that the preparedness of Army hospitals in Indonesia ranges from moderate/medium preparedness degree (if the fulfillment rate is 50-79%) to adequate/high preparedness degree (if the fulfillment rate is more than 80%). Conclusion: Even though meeting the World Health Organization's 12-item rapid checklist of hospitals' preparedness for COVID-19 is tricky, good and continuous cooperation and coordination with the supra system makes it helpful for leaders and health professionals to make policies regarding hospital preparedness to face COVID-19.
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