Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 29 October 2023
Innovating and Transforming the Healthcare Sector in Bangladesh: Challenges and Opportunities
H. M. Khalid Hossain Bhuiyan, Jannatul Ferdous
Comilla University, Bangladesh

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Pages: 119-127
Keywords: Health Service, MDG, SDG, Digital Transformation
In Bangladesh, the public or government sector plays a vital role in determining the overall policies, funding sources, and modes of service delivery. Even though the health system encounters many insurmountable obstacles, it requires stronger national resource allocation priority. This study looks into the fundamental aspects of digitalisation and change in Bangladesh's healthcare industry. Additionally, it explores the relationship between digital technology and emerging elements of the existing healthcare system and offers suggestions for resolving ongoing crises within the healthcare framework. The authors decided to perform explorative research using secondary data to grasp better the fundamental concepts of Bangladesh's healthcare sector's digital transformation. This study examines Bangladeshi citizens' perceptions of the current ‘Digital Transformation’ in existing institutions and suggests an entirely new national health server-centric model for future solicitation.
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