Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 10 December 2021
Integrated Dental Health Monitoring using Smart Tooth Brush and Application
Salikun, Supriyana, Suwarsono, Aan Kusmana, Yuwono Setiadi
Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, Indonesia

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Pages: 73-80
Keywords: TOMON, SIMOGI, Tooth Brushing, Children
Dental and oral health is the main need of people, including to children. Since, about 60 – 90% of children are suffering from dental caries. The prevention of dental caries is an important part of conducting. The digitalization era has influenced the dental and oral health education. Tooth brushing is one way to keep dental and oral health. However, the proper tooth brushing has not been achieved by children. Our objective is to conduct dental and oral health programs for children by creating a smart tooth brush named TOMON (Tooth Monster Hunter) and an application of monitoring named SIMOGI (Sistem Monitoring Kesehatan Gigi / Dental Health Monitoring System). We undertook this study by planning the monitoring system. The monitoring system is divided into three parties: dental therapist, parent and children. Dental therapists and parents are collaborated to handle and educate children about proper tooth brushing. Second, is the analysis of the requirement. The analysis stage consists of application program content. The last is the prototyping stage. In the prototyping stage, the smart toothbrush TOMON and application SIMOGI were made. The results of the research are the smart toothbrush TOMON and SIMOGI application can be used for health promotion for the children.
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