Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 15 October 2021
Measuring Air Quality Over Denpasar City Indonesia in 2021
I Nyoman Gede Suyasa, Ni Made Marwati, Ni Ketut Rusminingsih
Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar, Bali

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Pages: 37-44
Keywords: CO, O3, SO2, NO2, Noise
The imbalance number of rapid vehicles with transportation facilities has become the problem. In Denpasar, Indonesia, the congestion during peak hours happens so often. Based on the department of transportation in Denpasar, Indonesia, the number of vehicle ownership in Bali is 4.1 million in condition with a ratio of one resident to one vehicle with the current population of Bali Province approximately 4.2 million. Our study aim to measure the air chemical parameters of CO, O3, SO2, NO2 and the physical parameters of the noise level. The research population is the atmosphere environment in the Denpasar City area. The research sample points were taken in the city center and the outskirts of Denpasar, with a total of 27 sample points. We employed impinge to get the airborne chemical gases and it is all analyzed with a spectrophotometer. We used a sound level meter to measure the ambient noise level. The data analysis was performed with free sample t test. The average ambient air chemistry obtained CO 517.34 µgr/Nm3, O3 0.17 µgr/Nm3, SO2 61.46 µgr/Nm3 and NO2 2.51 µgr/Nm3 and an average noise level 67.66 dBA. The number has found below the requirements Environmental Quality Standards and Environmental Damage Standard Criteria by Bali Governor. There is a difference in the mean parameters of CO, SO2, NO2 and ambient noise level in the downtown area. The average CO is 757.15 µgr/Nm3, SO2 67.60 µgr/Nm3, NO2 3.77 µgr/Nm3 and the noise level is 68.53 dBA with Denpasar outskirts mean CO 217.57 µgr/Nm3, SO2 53.79 µgr/Nm3, NO2 0.95 µgr/Nm3 and noise level 66.57 dBA. There is no difference in the average ambient O3 in the city center area with an average of 0.22 µgr/Nm3 with the outskirts of Denpasar an average of 0.11 µgr/Nm3.
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