Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 26 April 2021
Protein and Iron Bioavailability, Perception, Menstrual Cycle as Adolescent Girls’ Anemia Factors
I Made Suarjana, Hertog Nursanyoto, Ni Nyoman Astika Dewi
Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar, Indonesia

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Pages: 84-93
Keywords: Adolescent Girls, Anemia, Nutrition, Risk Factors
Adolescent girls are one of the groups of people who is prone to iron nutrient deficiency. Iron is required as a substitute for iron lost due to the menstrual cycle. This research aims to determine the trigger factors of anemia in adolescent girls who become participants of the prevention and control program of anemia. This type of research is an observational research with cross sectional design and using statistical test of chelstle method of Mantel Haentzel and OR value for its meaning. The results shows there are four significant triggers of anemia that is perception of adolescent about nutrition (OR = 2,24; 95% CI = 1,05 - 4,76), adherence to TTD (OR = 2,49; 95% CI = 1.11 - 5.58), protein consumption levels (OR = 3.27, 95% CI = 1.57 - 6.84), iron intake (OR = 2.81; 95% CI = 1.30 - 6.05), and duration of menstrual bleeding (OR = 8.08; 95% CI = 1.05 - 61.89). The distribution of blood booster tablets or tablet tambah darah (TTD) needs to be intensified again, accompanied by an emphasis on the benefits of TTD tablets for young women, and to continue to consume independently when the distribution of TTD is terminated. In conclusion, adolescent girls are prevalent to iron nutrient due to menstrual cycle. Therefore, nutrition counseling should also be given besides consuming fresh foods rich in protein and iron as well as vegetables and fruits, because both foods contain vitamin C which greatly helps the absorption of iron in the body.
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