Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 02 March 2020
Risk Analysis of Homecare Physiotherapist Work Posture in Stroke Patients with Arm Paralysis
Bernadus Kristyanto, Mutiara Dicinta
Atmajaya Yogyakarta University, Indonesia

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Pages: 68-80
Keywords: Physiotherapist, Homecare service, Work posture, REBA score, Arm Therapy
This study will examine to the extent of the homecare-service physiotherapist workload applies the task. This workload can be both physical and mentally which the first could bring greater burden than the latter one. In this discussion, the physical workload will be very much influenced by how good work the methods used or work postures to avoid the risk of illness due to incorrect work methods. The methodology in this study was using observation on the first stage. An observation to the working methods of physiotherapist was done to measure and observe the work posture of physiotherapist. Processing on work position data using REBA was then processed by calculating REBA scores from the working position of the arm therapy. Based on the ergonomic analysis that has been done on work postures, the risk of musculoskletal fatigue can be concluded that the physiotherapist needs to be improved, especially at the level of effort and time requirements of the physiotherapist. Improvement of work posture is needed because the results of the calculation of REBA score show the current work posture has a level of risk.
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