Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 18 March 2019
Sonographic Comparison of Congestive Index of Portal Vein with and Without Chronic Liver Parenchymal Disease
Hafiz Ehtisham-Ul-Haq, Ahmad Salman Shami, Ayesha Noreen, M Adnan Malik, Zain-Ul-Hasan, Raham Bacha, Muhammad Ahmad Naeem, Tuseef Ahmed, Tahira Sibt-Ul-Hassan
The University of Lahore, Pakistan

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Background Chronic liver disease is an oncogenic disease, and if not treated, it will most likely lead to hepatocellular carcinoma or death. In the past 30 years, major progress in the knowledge and management of liver disease has been observed. Cirrhosis and primary liver cancer represent the end-stage of chronic liver disease and thus are indicative of the burden of this disease. Objectives: To determine the sonographic comparison of the congestive index of portal vein with and without the chronic liver parenchymal disease. Methods: The study was carried out in Gilani Ultrasound Center Lahore, & Nishtar Hospital Multan, Pakistan, for the duration of Six months with two hundred patients (100 patients with chronic liver disease and 100 normal subjects) selected using non-probability convenient sampling technique. Results: Mean age of the patients was 40.78±0.40 vs. 40.42±0.46 years respectively in group A and B. There were [57(57%) vs. 40(40%)] male subjects in group I and II respectively, and [43(43%) vs. 60(60%)] female subjects in group I and II respectively. In our study, significantly increased congestion index was observed in Group I as compared to Group II (p=0.0000185). Conclusion: Congestion index was higher (almost doubled) in Chronic Liver Disease as compared to the control group.
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