Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 26 March 2019
Status of Mental Health Among Left Behind Wives of Migrant Workers in North-East Part of Bangladesh
Madhusudan Saha, Siddhartha Paul, Bimal Chandra Shil, Irin Parveen, Md Abdullah Al Mamun, Manojit Majumder, Malay Kumar Sur Chowdhury, Md. Shakhawat Hossain
North East Medical College, South Surma Sylhet

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Introduction: Left behind spouses of outmigrants are vulnerable to suffer from anxiety and depression. This study was performed to see the prevalence of anxiety and depression among left behind wives of migrant workers attending gastroenterology outpatient department (OPD). Material and Method: This cross-sectional study was done in Gastroenterology OPD North East Medical College, Sylhet, Bangladesh from January 01 to December 31, 2018. 275 Consecutive patients, ie, wives of migrant workers of sylhet and adjacent districts attending of North East Medical College, Sylhet were included. Socio-demographic and clinical evaluation data was recorded. Then their mental health status regarding anxiety and depression were assessed using the Hospital Anxiety-depression Scale (HAD scale) under the supervision of a senior psychiatrist. Score 1-7 was taken as normal, 8-10 as borderline and above 10 was taken as confirming cases of anxiety and depression. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS version 20 and chi-square test was done to see the difference and P value <0.05 was taken as significant. Result: Out of 275 left behind wives of migrant workers, age varying from 18-50 (mean 30.47). Of them, 247 (88.36%) were from rural family, and 273 (99.27%) were housewives. Among them, 90 (32.72%) had symptom score consistent with anxiety. Depression was found among 78 (28.36%) participants while combined anxiety and depression was found among 54 (19.63%). Anxiety and depression were found to be more prevalent among wives of Higher age group, with longer duration of married life, residing in rural areas, with lower economic and educational background. Conclusion: Anxiety and depression were found in about one-third of left behind wives of migrant workers attending gastroenterology OPD. Both anxiety and depression were found more prevalent among those older age group, with longer duration of married life, member of the rural family, having a lower economic and educational background.
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