Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 30 September 2023
The Impact of Postpartum Mothers' Stress and Motivation on Breastfeeding Practice
Maya Astuti, Fuadah Ashri Nurfurqoni, Enung Harni S.
Bandung Health Polytechnic, IPB University

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Pages: 108-118
Keywords: Postpartum Stress, Breastfeeding, Motivation
Stress in postpartum mothers affects the production and pattern of breastfeeding. Postpartum mothers with high stress levels will have low self-efficacy, which then affects the breastfeeding pattern of their babies. This study aimed to determine the effect of postpartum mothers' stress levels on breastfeeding practices. This research method uses a correlation study through observation or data collection at one time (point time approach)—a sample of 80 mothers 1-6 weeks postpartum. Data was collected with the DASS (Depression Anxiety Stress Scale) questionnaire and breastfeeding. The research location is PMB East Cilendek and Tanah Sareal, Bogor City. The place was chosen because the failure rate of exclusive breastfeeding is high in that area. The independent variables in the study were postpartum maternal stress, motivation, and health education. The independent variable is breastfeeding in infants. Data analysis used the Lambda contingency coefficient test. Stress in postpartum mothers significantly affects the pattern of breastfeeding in infants. The confounding variables in this study were the motivation to breastfeed and the health education about breastfeeding that mothers had received. For this reason, health workers must be able to educate families, especially husbands, so that they can provide adequate social support to reduce stress on postpartum mothers so that the process of breastfeeding babies can run well.
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