Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 12 September 2022
Analysis of Digital Influencer Characteristics in Building Digital Engagement Through @byu.id Instagram Account
Raini Rahmi Fajriani, Ahmad Mulyana
Mercu Buana University, Indonesia

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Pages: 100-107
Keywords: Interaction, Personal Branding, Campaign
The existence of digital influencers in the past years has grown very rapidly due to changes in the characteristics of social media users. Social media users prefer things that are collaborative, original and community. This is due to the variety of social media platforms available and by presenting tools that make users more creative. This provides opportunities for various brands to collaborate with Digital Influencers to increase engagement on social media that can affect sales. by.U as the first all-digital provider in Indonesia took advantage of this opportunity to build engagement on social media. The selection of KOL is based on the Pillars of Influence theory which includes Reach, Relevance and Resonance. This study aims to find out how the role of digital influencers in building digital engagement for the @byu.id account. The results of this study indicate that digital influencers have a role that can build digital engagement with these three aspects which are supported by content creation & personal branding that results in audience participation so that digital engagement is formed.
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