Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 31 October 2024
Co-Creation in Teaching and Learning at University of Hai Duong, Vietnam
Phuong Ngoc Nguyen, Trang Pham Thi Thu, An Pham Thi, Hang Trinh Thi Thu
University of Hai Duong (Vietnam), University of Economics and Business (Vietnam)

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Pages: 48-62
Keywords: Co-Creation, Higher Education, S-D Logic, Vietnam
In recent years, there has been a growing focus on co-creation in higher education. However, the number of studies specifically examining the co-creation process in the context of higher education in Vietnam remains limited. Consequently, research is needed to investigate co-creation in education, particularly in higher education. This article aims to (1) explore people's understanding of co-creation and (2) identify the values that lecturers and students at University of Hai Duong can gain from co-creation activities. The study applies the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice (KAP) theory to better understand the co-creation process, drawing on interviews with 15 lecturers and 35 students. Through these interviews, the study examines how participants perceive, engage in, and experience the outcomes of co-creation. To validate the preliminary theoretical framework, the study is grounded in the principles of Service-Dominant Logic (S-D Logic) theory, providing a solid foundation for the research. The results indicate that most interviewees actively participate in co-creation activities, even though the concept has not gained much attention in the community. Moreover, co-creation activities yield both positive and negative outcomes, with negative experiences being relatively rare. This study advances previous research by exploring the challenges that affect lecturers and students when collaborating to create value.
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