Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 08 April 2022
Crisis Management of Disaster Communication in Mitigation of Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Dwinarko, Erita Riski Putri
University of Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya (Indonesia)

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Pages: 1-11
Keywords: Disaster Communication, Crisis Management, Mitigation
This study aims to determine the crisis management of disaster communication in mitigating coronavirus outbreak. Situational Crisis Communication Theory serves as the basis for reviewing prevention through the situation and conditions of Covid-19 transmission, with descriptive qualitative method and narrative analysis, to help provide an explanation of the pandemic crisis. The reality of mitigation using the constructiveness paradigm must provide dialectics of the management and availability of vitamins, drugs, oxygen, hospitals, and health workers as part of public information security. Results show the lack of public awareness and disinformation, as well as suboptimal coordination on issues of policies regarding large-scale social restrictions, New Normal, restrictions on community activities. These issues were used on social media by the skeptical public and opposition groups under in the guise of democracy. As recommendations, crisis handling should be integrated, through the construction of reality with management of crisis and communication. Using an approach to cultural values, and societal norms, maximizing the use of socialization by government officials, through mass media, social media, and direct action, as well as providing the needs of the community to counter the political issues.
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