Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 24 May 2019
Determinants of Human Capital Accumulation of Female Migrants in the Destination
Dusadee Ayuwat, Soiboon Saithong, Ornnutda Chinnasri
Khon Kean University, and Kasetsart University (Thailand)

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Pages: 347-355
Keywords: Migration, Female Migration, Human Capital, Human Capital Accumulation, Economic Factor, Social Factor
The purpose of this research was to examine human capital accumulation and factors determined human capital accumulation among female migrants, who moved from the rural northeastern region of Thailand, at destination areas. Using quantitative methodology in the study, and unit of analysis was at the individual level. The sample size was 320 female migrants who have been living in Chonburi for 1-10 years with inclusion criteria. The approach for sampling was the randomized enumeration area. The interview schedule was used as a research tool, and the data collection period was in January 2018. Data analysis was done by PATH analysis with STATA program. The results found that factors effected directly on human capital accumulation consisted of 1) female migrant characteristics; marriage status and number of the dependent household member, 2) migration factor; remittance, 3) human capital factor; the computer skill and 4) economic factor; occupational income with statistical significance level at 0.01 and 0.05. In addition, it was found those female migrant characteristics; age, and education, human capital factor; training on occupational skill, and social capital factor; membership had indirect effects on human capital accumulation through single marriage status with statistical significance level at 0.01 and 0.05. In addition, the factor of female migrant characteristics, migration factor, human capital factor, economic factor, and social factor were able to explain the variance of human capital accumulation by 49.34 percent (the R-squared = 0.4934).
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