Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 18 October 2022
Enforced Disappearances: A Major Human Rights Issue in Balochistan
Pinal Patel, Dr. Saurabh Sharma
Central University of Gujarat

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Pages: 24-34
Keywords: Enforced Disappearances, Extra Judicial Killings, Human Rights, OHCHR, VBMP
Ever since Kalat rulers gave away the rule of their Kalat state comprising Balochistan, in the hands of Pakistan in 1948, the people of Balochistan have been demanding freedom and to declare it as an independent nation. Their demand slowly converted into a violent struggle and separatists resorted to insurgency, commonly known as ‘Baloch Insurgency’. Pakistan too resorted to counter insurgency, commonly known as ‘Pak Counter Insurgency.’ Pakistan adopted enforced disappearances as a major tool to suppress the violent struggle, by forcibly abducting family members of the suspect. The menace of enforced disappearance has now engulfed entire Balochistan province and no day goes without such acts of kidnapping, abduction, sexual assaults, killings and enforced disappearances, at some place or in some area of Balochistan. There is no end to such atrocities and genocide. There are severe violations of the human rights in the province. In the context, enforced disappearances of the people are a major human rights issue in Balochistan.
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