Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 31 July 2024
Evaluating Brand Awareness of Tea Brand with the Case of Moc Suong Oolong Tea Brand Vietnam
Nguyen Tuan Long, Bui Duc Tho, Do Hoai Linh, Bui Duc Tuan
Moc Chau District Police (Vietnam), National Economics University (Vietnam)

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Pages: 36-46
Keywords: Tea brand, Customer’s Awareness, Vietnam
The authors aim at evaluating the brand awareness of tea brand from customer perspective with the case of Moc Suong Oolong Tea Brand Vietnam. The paper administered 200 questionnaires to 200 current and prospective consumers of Moc Suong Oolong Tea. By conducting an analysis of the data collected, the researcher identified that Moc Suong has achieved specific accomplishments. Moc Suong's brand awareness may be adversely affected by its inadequate customer service system for its Oolong Tean. Additionally, certain convenience stores and businesses do not distribute Moc Suong Oolong Tea. The product's brand awareness may be diminished due to the infrequent apparition of Moc Suong Oolong Tea at convenience shops or stores in close proximity to residential areas. Furthermore, Moc Suong Oolong Tea's advertising is severely lacking in both visual aids and content quality. Based on these findings, the authors propose recommendations for Tea Brand in general as well as Moc Suong Oolong Tea Brand in particular to improve the brand awareness of customers.
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