Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 07 November 2019
Evaluation of Public City Branding Policies "Sparkling Surabaya"
Ertien Rining Nawangsari, Herlina Suksmawati
UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Indonesia

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Pages: 876-891
Keywords: Public Policy, City Branding, Brand Awareness, Policy Evaluation
Competition in the global era requires in every local government to have a competitive advantage to maintain its existence. The strategic solution in facing this competition is to strengthen the brand as the identity of a city. City Branding is the right step in completing the selling power of a city. Seeing the City of Branding in Surabaya is one of the policies of the City of Branding in Indonesia, it is necessary to evaluate the policy problems that have been taken. In terms of public policy, communication becomes important so that public policy can work and have an impact on development. This study looks at the level of awareness of the people of Surabaya in the City of Branding they already have. The method used is a survey method with a sample of 600 respondents. The results of this study indicate that the city policy of "Sparkling Surabaya" carried out by the Surabaya city government is carried out through efforts to maximize the use of communication and resources. The communication carried out by the Surabaya City government to introduce the "Sparkling Surabaya" city branding generally uses billboards or billboards, in addition they also communicate through government offices and other public services. While the resources (resources) as a support of efforts to popularize the city branding "Sparkling Surabaya" to the community. Resource facilities and infrastructure used for example, are media facilities for city branding "Sparkling Surabaya" to the public using television, radio, internet and other facilities and infrastructure. So that the existence of these resources can realize the effectiveness of policy communication that has been carried out to realize the success of the Surabaya City branding development. Because without the support of resources, the implementation of the city branding policy "Sparkling Surabaya" even though it has been well communicated to the target group but still will not run effectively.
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