Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 04 March 2024
Human Rights Approach to Improve Passport Services for Vulnerable Groups in Indonesia
Mochamad Ryanindityo, Budy Mulyawan, Agung Sulistyo Purnomo, M. Alvi Syahrin, Noviana Agitha
Immigration Polytechnic (Indonesia)

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Pages: 203-212
Keywords: Human Rights, Public Service, Passport
Immigration offices and units in Indonesia are committed to improving passport services, particularly for vulnerable groups by applying a human rights approach. These commitments are justified by the enactment of Regulation Number 2 of 2022 regarding Human Rights-Based Public Services and Circular Letter of the Directorate General of Immigration Number: IMI-UM.01.01-2435 of 2018 on Facilities for Vulnerable Groups in Passport Issuance Based on Human Rights Dimensions. This underpins the responsibility of the Directorate General of Immigration to provide services following human rights principles, regardless of any conditions. This study aims to explore the coherence between passport services provided for vulnerable groups and the principles of human-rights-based public services. In addition, this study also provides recommendations to improve passport services for vulnerable groups. A qualitative approach is used to analyze primary data obtained from field observations and interviews with immigration authorities and communities sampled from the South Jakarta immigration office, as well as secondary data collected through relevant documents. The results found that while most of the services provided for vulnerable groups have been implemented following the human rights-based public service principles, it is still constrained by factors, such as, lack of dissemination and disclosure of information regarding the priority service, uneven distribution of supporting facilities, lack of training of immigration officials in providing human rights-based services, limited features for vulnerable groups on the online passport application 'm-passport', and the shortage of officers who master the sign language.
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