Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 20 January 2020
India-China Competitive Coexistence: A New Era of Strategic Partnership
Sudeep Kumar
East China Normal University, China

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Pages: 13-22
Keywords: India, China, Foreign Policy, Diplomacy, International Relations
India and China are civilisational states with historical boundary disputes, whose roots lie in the colonial past. In modern times, both modern nation-states have taken a different politico-economic model in the global comity of nations. Both Asian powerhouses are separated by mighty Himalayan ranges geographically, but modern communication and transport technology have filled these geographical gaps. As a result, there is increasing Indian engagement in South-East Asia & East Asia; whereas Chinese engagement in South Asia and Indian Ocean region has brought them together to shape the Asian equilibrium in the multipolar world order. Over the years, both countries have transformed their relationship towards a cooperative framework in economic and military affairs for improving mutual trust and mutual understanding in their bilateral diplomatic relations. Furthermore, many developmental issues of common concern and global governance are acting as a catalyst to work towards their mutual benefit in regional and multilateral forums. Indeed, the India-China strategic partnership seems to be moving towards comprehensive partnership in the field of politics, economy, military, cultural and people to people contact. It is in these backdrops, one might wonder about the future trajectories of India-China bilateral relations in shaping the Asian equilibrium as well as the crucial role of their national interest in it.
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