Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 17 November 2021
Licensing Service Efficiency in Bandung City
Kurniadi, Syafei Ibrahim
Bina Nusantara University (Indonesia), Iskandar Muda University (Indonesia)

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Pages: 80-86
Keywords: Public Service, Licensing, Efficiency
The public service system is determined by the standardization of public services regulated in laws and regulations. Therefore, a common perception is needed between the bureaucratic apparatus and the community in terms of service delivery, especially in the investment sector in order to improve the performance of investment services both at the central and regional levels. Licensing is an instrument of government policy to control negative externalities that may be caused by social and economic activities. Permits are also an instrument for efficient and fair allocation of public goods, preventing information asymmetry, and legal protection of ownership or operation of activities. As an instrument of control, licensing requires clear rationality and is stated in the form of government policy as a reference. Without rationality and a clear policy design, licensing will lose its meaning as an instrument for defending the interests of the community over individual actions. Problems in the field of licensing in the city of Bandung, namely licensing services in the city of Bandung which have been implemented since 2001 are still considered ineffective, so that the performance of licensing services is still low. To carry out business licensing properly, a comprehensive analysis is needed to simplify licensing (Abolish, Combine, Simplified, Decentralized).
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Laws and regulations
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