Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 03 June 2019
Lifestyle of Generations in the Sub-urban Case study: Major Cities in Northeastern Thailand
Prapaporn Supunya, Dusadee Ayuwat
Khon Kaen University, Thailand

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Pages: 366-374
Keywords: Lifestyle, Generations, Taste, Sub-urban Community
This research aims to study the lifestyle of generations in the suburban area of the Northeast, Thailand. The qualitative methodology was employed, and the units of analysis were individual and community level. Key informants consisted of two groups included 1) ten community leaders and 2) twelve of suburban people who commuted between a suburban and urban area in different generations. These people were selected based on inclusion criteria's which were 1) they had full-time employment and 2) they worked in different occupations. In-depth interviews were the tool and conducted with the key informants, as well as the participatory and non-participatory observations. Data were collected from April to October 2018. Data analysis was conducted by content analysis, and data were presented by a descriptive method. The results found that the generations were related to economic capitals accumulation, Gen B and Gen X accumulated more economic capitals than other generations (Gen y and Gen z). Generations also had the relationship to taste, Gen Y and Gen Z showed a clear pattern of consumption, especially in technological utilization. Generations were related to community participation; the people in the Gen B and Gen X were more interested in community activities than Gen Y and Gen Z.
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