Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)
Published: 04 March 2021
Lifestyle-Related Shaming: The Significance of Reintegrative Shaming on Drug Relapse Offenders in Indonesia
Muh Ardila Amry, Adrianus Meliala
University of Indonesia
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Pages: 145-153
Keywords: Shaming, Reintegrative, Stigmatitative, Drug Relapse, Crime
In statistical calculations, drug abusers with the status of drug relapse in Indonesia reached 70% in 2019 (National Narcotics Agency: 2019). This condition illustrates that the social rehabilitation mechanism for drug abusers in Indonesia still has the opportunity to present shameless. Therefore, this study seeks to see the significance of Lifestyle-related shaming as an important part of the mechanism for implementing shaming for the shameless, especially drug relapse offenders in urban areas. This study was conducted based on the analysis of John Braithwaite's shaming theory which states that the public's response to perpetrators is divided into 2 (two) namely reintegrative shaming which means re-acceptance of the shameless by giving shame to them and stigmatization which means treating the shameless by giving a negative stigma permanently. The method used here was literature review by utilizing and trying to develop existing theories (grounded theory) by presenting concepts (variables) in accordance with the affordability of study data so as to produce new findings regarding the significance of Lifestyle-related shaming in its role for drug relapse offenders. Lifestyle-Related Shaming is part of a combination of reintegrative shaming theory, desistance theory and routine activity theory. In the literature study conducted, the combination of (3) three macro theories produces Lifestyle-related shaming which is closely related to urban lifestyle. It is expected that later, this study will be able to provide a broad understanding to the government to prepare the best program for solving shameless phenomenon, especially drug abuse in Indonesia. Furthermore, it is also useful in science as a basis for the application of shaming in Indonesia.
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