Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 17 August 2020
Negara Madura: From Puppet State to United State 1949-1950
Yogyakarta State University

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Pages: 762-776
Keywords: Puppet State, Madura State, H.J. Van Mook, R.A.A. Tjakraningrat, Political Diplomacy, Military actions
The purpose of H.J. Van Mook formed the state of the Republic of Indonesia as a Dutch Commonwealth country or rather the idea of establishing a federal state, namely the Republic of Indonesia United States, was based on the success of America in establishing a union state. Departing from the Malino conference H.J. Van Mook seemed to pretend to show the outside world the concept of decolonization, because after World War II colonization of the world had been abolished, even though it was still too heavy for the Dutch. Reflections on the political turmoil that occurred at the central level, turned out to have a large impact on disruption at the local level as in Madura. The expansion of the federal model for Indonesia consisting of many islands and heterogeneity of regions, population, language and culture is of course very suitable. Despite this, the Dutch East Indies in the first decade of the twentieth century were still governed centrally from Batavia. At the time of the reorganization of government in the thirties with the implementation of administrative decentralization where the colony was divided into six governments, namely West Java, Central Java, East Java, Sumatra, Borneo and the Great East. Simultaneously on 11 November 1947 there was an unhealthy relationship and was cut off between Jakarta and Madura, so that on 21 November 1947 the administration of the government was taken over by R.A, A Cakraningrat. Starting from the results of the collection, the Madurese state was established based on a Decree dated February 20 no.1 as contained in Staatsblad (State Gazette) 1948, no.12. The Madura state chose the diplomatic struggle to achieve further goals, but in fact this method did not result in various agreements that were considered fair for the Madura state. Therefore this way was changed by carrying out military actions.
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