Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 09 February 2024
Neoliberal Economy and Inequalization: The Experience of Underprivileged Global Regions during 1985-2008
Khaybar Ali Miah
Berhampore Girls’ College Under University of Kalyani West Bengal, India

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Pages: 59-72
Keywords: Alternative Paradigm, Inequality, Post-Neoliberalism, Social Insecurity, Social Solidarity, Unleashed Capital
The perspective of plausible new paradigm of inflated unequal economic growth during the era of globalization produced a mounting paradoxical order of persistent inequality in a new form. The paradigm of massive historical process spurred by the Neo-liberal doctrine deteriorated the developing regions with sheer experience of the concentration of poverty and social insecurity. The most tragic aspect is that it eroded the hope of success of the poor regions by creating their dependency institutionalized with the institutionalization of ever-growing gap between countries and within countries. However, the usual consequence of the crises of neoliberal financial market capitalism led to a new political dimension of ‘Post-neoliberalism’. Focusing briefly on these key-issues, the present article attempts to explore the consequential effect of the unleashed capital over the developing and underprivileged global regions. Finally, the article concludes with the need for the accomplishment of the solidarity of common development towards the space of social security and a real democratic global environment. Hence, the approach towards social solidarity would invariably be an alternative paradigm of today’s global society.
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