Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)
Published: 20 August 2019
Niger Delta Migration: The Trials and Triumph of Rivers Folks in Diaspora
Eric U. Dogini
Alcorn State University
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Pages: 680-692
Keywords: Rivers State Immigrants, Rivers Diasporas Engagement, Niger Delta Development Board, Rivers State Associations in United States
In 1900 Rivers State people were merged with easterners to form Eastern Region. The Rivers State was created in 1967, and it was not until 1996 the state was divided into two states, Rivers State and Bayelsa State. Rivers State Government recognizes the value of diaspora populations in seeking ways to magnify financial resources, contribute to the welfare and development in their local communities. This reflects a common understanding that the investment of Rivers people in diaspora should not only be financial, but should also include knowledge transfer and social relationships. There is a need for Rivers in Diasporas' contribution, thus the Rivers State Government has a bigger responsibility. However, Diasporas trials and triumphs is complicated, confusing, and dynamic, it is a burdened with uneasiness, difficulty, and discomfort. This article briefly discusses the historical overview of Rivers state, methodology, theoretical framework, Diasporas Engagement, and Immigrants, recommendations, and conclusion.
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