Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Publised: 08 August 2023
Relationship among Role Stress, Emotional Labor and Physical and Mental Health for Grassroots Police Officers in Northern Taiwan Government Police Stations
Ying-Shen Juang, Shui-Shun Lin, Shih-Chang Lo
Chung Hua University, National Chin-Yi University of Technology

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Pages: 94-113
Keywords: Role Stress, Emotional Labor, Psychosomatic Health
Police duties involve highly complex and cumbersome tasks. Officers have to work night shifts, which may result in sleep displacement and circadian misalignment, and moreover, they must deal with the public on a daily basis. To fulfill their role as public servants and social security defenders, grassroots police officers are often under greater pressure than individuals working in general occupations are or at other administrative agencies are. Over time, the sustained pressure may have devastating impacts on their psychosomatic health. The present study, taking grassroots police officers at the police stations in the Northern Taiwan region as research subjects, aims to investigate the relationship between the role stress, emotional labor, and psychosomatic health of grassroots police officers. Through the investigation, this study seeks to contribute toward improving the physical and mental well-being of police officers. In this study, 453 valid questionnaires were recovered. The collected data were subjected to descriptive statistics, reliability and validity analysis, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Scheffé’s test, correlation analysis, and regression analysis, among other research methods, with the use of SPSS statistics software. The findings of this study are as follows. First, role conflict in role stress has a significant effect on the psychosomatic health of police officers. Second, role stress has a significant effect on emotional labor among police officers. Third, emotional labor has a significant effect on psychosomatic health among police officers.
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