Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 23 October 2024
Self-Empowerment Program (SEP) to Reduce the Externalizing Behaviors of Adolescents Exposed to Interparental Conflict in India
John Joseph, Rodel P. Canlas
University of Santo Tomas, Manila

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Pages: 19-30
Keywords: Adolescents, Coping, Externalizing Behaviors, Interparental Conflict, Self-Efficacy, Self-Empowerment
Adolescents frequently experience stress from interparental conflict, and their perception of it has a significant role in the problem behaviors that they exhibit. The study aimed to develop and examine the efficacy of the Self-Empowerment Program (SEP) with nine modules in reducing the externalizing behaviors of adolescents exposed to interparental conflict. Conklin's three-phase program development model planning, design and implementation, and assessment and program validation were used in this study. Adolescents (N=385, 11–18 years old) from Assam, India, comprised the participants. They were randomly split into the experimental group (n = 21) and the control group (n = 21), using a randomization process to ensure unbiased group assignment. Focus group discussions, interviews, and the Youth Self-Report Scale evaluated the severity of the issue. The post-test results between the experimental and control groups made a noteworthy distinction. This distinction was seen for example, in the experimental group: Externalizing Behavior: M=26.61, SD=2.65,Social Problem: M=5.95, SD=1.49; Rule breaking, M=3.38, SD=.864; Aggressive behavior, M=6.57, SD=1.32; and in the control group, Externalizing behavior: M=25.23, SD=2.64, Social Problem=8.42, SD=1.07; Rule breaking: M=6.76, SD=1.22; Aggressive behavior: M=10.04, SD=1.71. The Pre-test and post-test scores of the experimental group (Pre-test: Experimental group: M=26.61, SD=2.65, Social Problem: M=8.76, SD=1.22; Rule breaking: M=7.0, SD=1.26; Aggressive behavior: M=10.8, SD=1.71; Post-test: Externalizing behavior: M=15.90, SD=2.27, Social Problem: M=5.95, SD=1.49; Rule breaking: M=3.38, SD=.864; Aggressive behavior=6.57, SD=1.32) indicated that the nine modular program of SEP has proved and helped to reduce the externalizing behaviors in adolescents exposed to IPC.
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