Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 13 June 2023
Social Discourse of Cyber Hate in Indonesia: The Potential Transition from Hate to Crime
Lucky Nurhadiyanto, Adrianus Meliala, Iqrak Sulhin
University of Indonesia

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Pages: 155-161
Keywords: Crime, Cyber Crime, Cyber Hate, Hate Speech, Social Discourse
The dynamics of hate crime have changed as a result of digital media. The emergence of cyberhate waves is one of the manifestations of cyberspace within the context of hate crime. The purpose of this study is to present a social discussion about cyberhate in Indonesia as a sign of the transition from hatred to crime. A qualitative approach is used in this study. These diverse backgrounds serve as the foundation for this study, which aims to investigate the typology of cyber haters in Indonesia, particularly how perpetrators undergo transformation. In other words, the reconstruction of this research problem's background is rooted in the evolution of hate crime, which has undergone changes and encroachments on digital platforms. Cyber haters are one of the slices of the Indonesian study of cyber crime that has not received a special portion. Aside from that, the socio-political context of society influences the dynamics of cyber haters in Indonesia. The internalization of prejudice experienced by perpetrators and its implementation in supportive situations and conditions are inextricably linked to the escalation of cyber hate. Because different types of data are not only part of how social processes are built in qualitative research, but they are also artifacts. Opportunities to access data in greater depth are unique features found in the analysis of cyber haters in Indonesia. The three formulations of the problem indicate that cyber hate is a type of power imbalance that has the potential to cause differences in the definition of crime. Apart from the social form and social action associated with it, cyber hate has a relatively large impact.
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